
SCM Insurance Services has implemented a communications service that provides alternate channels for employees to report sensitive workplace issues, EthicsLine. This service is open to all employees of SCM Insurance Services.

The E-Web reporting system offers a secure, state of the art, web reporting communications process that allows for direct and confidential communication between you and SCM Insurance Services.

To review the SCM Insurance Services Whistleblower Policy, please visit the link below:

SCM Whistleblower Policy


To create a report, simply press the "Continue" button on the log-in screen. The system will provide you with a User Name and you will be asked to create a Password for the purpose of receiving communications from your employer and/or to update information to your file. Once you have entered the E-Web application some preliminary instructions will be provided, please read these carefully.

You will find a series of screens that include questions and information particular to your concern. You may skip over questions that do not apply, and at the end of the process you will be given an opportunity to edit the final report before it is sent by you and received by the Designate at SCM Insurance Services.

For security purposes, there is a sixty minute inactivity time limit built in to this web application. If there is a period of inactivity for more than sixty minutes, the system will cancel your access to the program. Should this occur, please start the process from the beginning.

Once you are completely satisfied with your report, you will be asked to press a "Send Report" button that will send your confidential electronic report to the approved Designate at SCM Insurance Services.

For a list of the Designate(s) who are responsible for receiving and managing your report, please refer to your organization's policies.

Remember to write down the User Name and Password provided so you can log back in to obtain an update or reply to your submission.

If you would like to see SCM Insurance Services’ response to your submission, simply log back into the website and enter your User Name and Password. You will be given an opportunity to update the file by entering communications directly over the internet that will be reviewed by the Designate. Type your message in the Communications Message Field and press the "Save and Send Communications" button. An email alert will be sent by the program to the Designate who will then log in and see your comments.

Contact EthicsLine

An alternate way to submit a report is to call 1-888-455-9951. Our Call Agents are available 24 hours a day to assist you.

The program includes a mechanism for you to upload any documentation or evidence that you would like to forward with regard to this report. You may also forward documentation via email or mail.
Documents, memos, pictures, emails, or any other supporting material in hard copy can be forwarded:

Please ensure your documents are marked "Confidential" and include your User Name that is provided by this program on the documentation.  We will be unable to upload your documents to the file unless your User Name is included.

